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Overview of our recruitment in 2023

September 25, 2023

The recruitment situation stabilised in Q3, but the high demands of construction workers have made the recruitment process somewhat longer. 

At the beginning of this year, the company had to make considerable efforts to find both labourers and office staff. There were not many construction workers looking for work, and those who did apply often had unreasonably high demands and conditions. This is why, for many construction companies, recruitment processes were both lengthy and expensive. However, this did not have a major impact on the development of the projects, we managed to get through and now, at the end of the third quarter of the year, we have formed teams. If we are to believe the forecasts for 2024, the coming years could be very stressful for some of the smaller construction companies, with the potential for a reduction in work volumes, an increase in the risk of bankruptcy, and a possible reduction in the number of employees, all of which will have an impact on the stability of salaries.

We invest as much as possible in our employees and in a good workplace atmosphere, which is why employees usually come to the company through recommendations.

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